Monday, August 11, 2008

A classic post from my old blog. (edited)

Stand Up Tall.

I heard plenty of bullshits today. Too many. It disrupted my hardcore shoulder training. This is why I should wear an MP4 player to the gym but the problem is, it looks like I'm a poser.

Case 1.

There's this dude in my gym, whom I have nicknamed him Teddy Bear. He looks like a teddy bear, hoisting weights far too heavy for him and look the same all year round. My training partner who is almost 20kg lighter than him has the same strength as him. But anyway, the teddy bear came to disrupt my training with this bullshit.

teddy bear: eh Jay, i lost 2 kg of fat and i put on 3 kg of muscles last month u know?! I managed to put on 7kg of muscles in 3 months!!

Of course I told him to keep up the good work but, come on. He worships the fat percentage weighing machine. I could have told him off that the feet platform is covered with all sorts of germs. I could have explained the million of factors of inaccuracy the machine has. I always tell people who want to lose weight to go by the mirror and the measuring tape, not the scale. Weight fluctuates over the day, the more reason why it is too inaccurate to depend on. However, the variables can be minimized with a trained skills. He should have stood up tall.

Case 2.

There's this thin fucker(if you dun die a virgin, you're a fucker) who has only 2 months of gym experience tells me that if anyone messes with him, they mess with his entire group of friends. OH I MUST CURSE, I'M SORRY. FUCK!! I HATE THESE KIND OF PEOPLE. DON'T EVER SAY "IF U MESS WITH ME, U MESS WITH ALL MY FRIENDS". That just shows how small ur penis is. How insecure u are with urself. How low self-esteem u have that u need to borrow others. NEVER, ever say that, everybody. If you're planning to do something bad, DON'T ever involve ur friends. If you're planning to do something good, involve as many as possible. That's my rule of thumb in my life. I could kill 10 people by myself, if I've got no one to love me anymore, no more money, no more food, no more heart, nothing left. Why, I could even kill 100 for all I care. But the truth is, I've got too much in life to lose by doing something stupid. Stand up tall for urself. Have some respect for urself before u say,"u mess with me, u mess with my friends."I just laughed at his stupidity, which he mistaken that i looked up to his power. Just the way i wanted it. (edit: HAHAHAHA I never knew I wrote that! I'm keeping this paragraph unedited for sheer entertainment!)

Case 3.

Bodybuilding supplements. The lie: take more, better results. The truth: take less, better results. This is all about the homeostasis shit thing which I don't want to explain for the 100000th time. There's a person who's on 2 different types of hormone stimulator, creatine, nitric oxide, protein, multi-vitamins and amino acids for 4 months and still look the same. Stand up for urself. Supplements are mend to supply the deficient ONLY.

I've been standing up tall for myself for almost a year since I've got my whole life trashed up. Here I am, almost at the finishing line (edit: come to think of it, there is no finishing line). My drive and urge is short of glory like i used to be but I'm always bluffing myself that it was only yesterday that I was that piece of trash. Day in day out, the only battle that really matters is between my body and my mind. Stand up tall and face the truth. It will never be too good so keep striving.

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